





"Division rejected" - Washington Times

August 17, 2007

The senior Air Force commander in the Pacific this week threw cold water on a Chinese military proposal to divide up the Pacific Ocean into U.S. and Chinese spheres of influence.

Gen. Paul V. Hester was asked about China’s recent plan to give the United States control of the eastern Pacific region, while China would control the western Pacific.

“Our policy is not to cede space to anyone,” Gen. Hester said in a telephone press conference from Hawaii.

He said the United States “needs to be” in the western Pacific, “as opposed to running through a proxy, if you will, by ceding a certain part of territory and asking them to take care of it for us.”

The proposal was made to Adm. Tim Keating, the overall commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific, during a recent visit to China.

"Inside the Ring" - Washington Times

Another source :

The Indian Express



"Beijing has turned control of the air space around the Senkaku Islands into a test of the US" - Financial Times

November 28, 2013


When Xi Jinping met Barack Obama in California this year, the Chinese president told his US counterpart the Pacific Ocean was large enough to accommodate two great powers. The inference was that the US and China should divide the spoils. Also implicit in the remark, though, was that China would not accept a status quo that saw the US remain the Pacific’s pre-eminent power. At the summit, Mr Obama sidestepped the issue. Now it seems Mr Xi has decided it is time for China to start grabbing its share.


Other sources

Xi Shows Obama His No-Nonsense Approach to U.S. Relations (Bloomberg)

Remarks by President Obama and President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China Before Bilateral Meeting (whitehouse.gov)

vide :

China Opens Southeast-Coast Air Routes in Snub of Taiwan

(Bloomberg Jan 14, 2015)

Taiwan slams China flight routes plan
Agence France-Presse, Taipei | World | Tue, January 13 2015

Taiwan slammed a unilateral move by China to open four new flight routes over the Taiwan Strait as "unacceptable" Tuesday, saying it risked allowing planes to fly too close to aircraft on existing routes.

China on Monday announced it would start flying four new routes from coastal Zhejiang province and the cities of Fuzhou and Xiamen in Fujian province over the Taiwan Strait.

Agence France-Presse, Taipei | World | Tue, January 13 2015 - See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/01/13/taiwan-slams-china-flight-routes-plan.html#sthash.DjCSw718.dpuf
"They unilaterally announced the new routes before reaching an agreement with us," Taiwan's Civil Aeronautics Administration said in a statement.
"The measures are unacceptable to us. We demand the mainland side continue consulting with us", it said, adding that the move breached the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Sources said the Chinese authorities hope to use the routes to ease congestion on existing paths caused by the growing volume of air traffic.
But Taiwan said the routes represented a potential air defense threat, with M503's proposed path very close to skies in the Strait administered by Taiwan.
"The military will monitor, intercept and disperse [unidentified aircraft and ships] according to the established measures so as to safeguard the security of territory", Taiwan's defense ministry said in a statement.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/01/13/taiwan-slams-china-flight-routes-plan.html#sthash.DjCSw718.dpuf
Taiwan slams China flight
routes plan
"They unilaterally announced the new routes before reaching an agreement with us," Taiwan's Civil Aeronautics Administration said in a statement.
"The measures are unacceptable to us. We demand the mainland side continue consulting with us", it said, adding that the move breached the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Sources said the Chinese authorities hope to use the routes to ease congestion on existing paths caused by the growing volume of air traffic.
But Taiwan said the routes represented a potential air defense threat, with M503's proposed path very close to skies in the Strait administered by Taiwan.
"The military will monitor, intercept and disperse [unidentified aircraft and ships] according to the established measures so as to safeguard the security of territory", Taiwan's defense ministry said in a statement.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/01/13/taiwan-slams-china-flight-routes-plan.html#sthash.DjCSw718.dpuf
"They unilaterally announced the new routes before reaching an agreement with us," Taiwan's Civil Aeronautics Administration said in a statement.
"The measures are unacceptable to us. We demand the mainland side continue consulting with us", it said, adding that the move breached the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Sources said the Chinese authorities hope to use the routes to ease congestion on existing paths caused by the growing volume of air traffic.
But Taiwan said the routes represented a potential air defense threat, with M503's proposed path very close to skies in the Strait administered by Taiwan.
"The military will monitor, intercept and disperse [unidentified aircraft and ships] according to the established measures so as to safeguard the security of territory", Taiwan's defense ministry said in a statement.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/01/13/taiwan-slams-china-flight-routes-plan.html#sthash.DjCSw718.dpuf

Taiwan slammed a unilateral move by China to open four new flight routes over the Taiwan Strait as "unacceptable" Tuesday, saying it risked allowing planes to fly too close to aircraft on existing routes.
China on Monday announced it would start flying four new routes from coastal Zhejiang province and the cities of Fuzhou and Xiamen in Fujian province over the Taiwan Strait.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/01/13/taiwan-slams-china-flight-routes-plan.html#sthash.DjCSw718.dpuf
 "They unilaterally announced the new routes before reaching an agreement with us," Taiwan's Civil Aeronautics Administration said in a statement.

"The measures are unacceptable to us. We demand the mainland side continue consulting with us", it said, adding that the move breached the Convention on International Civil Aviation.

Sources said the Chinese authorities hope to use the routes to ease congestion on existing paths caused by the growing volume of air traffic.

But Taiwan said the routes represented a potential air defense threat, with M503's proposed path very close to skies in the Strait administered by Taiwan.

"The military will monitor, intercept and disperse [unidentified aircraft and ships] according to the established measures so as to safeguard the security of territory", Taiwan's defense ministry said in a statement.


In November 2013, China declared an air defense identification zone over a large part of the East China Sea amid a territorial dispute with Japan. More recently, two Chinese military airplanes in August entered Taiwan air space after another Chinese fighter performed a barrel roll over a U.S. Navy surveillance aircraft near China’s Hainan island.


"They unilaterally announced the new routes before reaching an agreement with us," Taiwan's Civil Aeronautics Administration said in a statement.
"The measures are unacceptable to us. We demand the mainland side continue consulting with us", it said, adding that the move breached the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Sources said the Chinese authorities hope to use the routes to ease congestion on existing paths caused by the growing volume of air traffic.
But Taiwan said the routes represented a potential air defense threat, with M503's proposed path very close to skies in the Strait administered by Taiwan.
"The military will monitor, intercept and disperse [unidentified aircraft and ships] according to the established measures so as to safeguard the security of territory", Taiwan's defense ministry said in a statement.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/01/13/taiwan-slams-china-flight-routes-plan.html#sthash.DjCSw718.dpuf
"They unilaterally announced the new routes before reaching an agreement with us," Taiwan's Civil Aeronautics Administration said in a statement.
"The measures are unacceptable to us. We demand the mainland side continue consulting with us", it said, adding that the move breached the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Sources said the Chinese authorities hope to use the routes to ease congestion on existing paths caused by the growing volume of air traffic.
But Taiwan said the routes represented a potential air defense threat, with M503's proposed path very close to skies in the Strait administered by Taiwan.
"The military will monitor, intercept and disperse [unidentified aircraft and ships] according to the established measures so as to safeguard the security of territory", Taiwan's defense ministry said in a statement.
- See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/01/13/taiwan-slams-china-flight-routes-plan.html#sthash.DjCSw718.dpuf

中国海軍高官「太平洋分割管理」案 を打診 








( 2013年6月7、8日に米カリフォルニアで行われたオバマ・習会談について)


2012年2月に習氏は副主席として訪米し、当時米国側から非常に冷たい対応を受けた。バイデン米副大統領は習氏を前にして、驚くほど率直な表現で 人権問題などを取り上げ中国を非難した。そのときにも語った事実上の太平洋分割統治を習主席は今回も冒頭で述べたわけだ。中国がどれほど強く太平洋進出の 野望を抱いているかは数年前の衝撃的な発言からもうかがえる。

08年3月、米太平洋司令官のティモシー・キーティング氏が上院軍事委員会に出席して、艦隊を率いて中国を訪問した折、中国側から太平洋を分割統治 しようとの提案を受けたと証言し、米国の対中警戒感は高まった。この太平洋分割統治を提案したのは中国海軍少将、楊毅氏だった。私は11年に楊氏と長時間 語ったが、その際に「太平洋分割統治の提案」について尋ねると、氏はこう語った。

「キーティング大将が07年に中国を訪れ、北京の世界貿易センターで会談しました。彼が中国は航空母艦を開発する必要があるのかと問い、私は率直に 『ある』と答えました。中国が必要とする空母の数を聞かれましたので、1隻から12隻だと答えると、キーティング大将は笑いました」



楊氏は恰も冗談話にすぎないかのように語ったが、習主席が昨年、今年と、米国に提案したのは、まさに太平洋の分割統治案である。中国は一度言い出し たことは譲らない。中国の発想は、今後も東シナ海、南シナ海での領土領海の拡張を続けるという決意表明であり、周辺国にとっては受け入れ難い。